“The Dreamer And The Dream Catcher” by Ted Wind

The Dreamer And The Dream Catcher 

by Ted Wind 

The greatest thing We can do in Life is help Others. 

Understanding is the highest Goal of communication. 

What’s really being said will be understood when We are open to understanding it. 

In Our Known Universe there is matter and energy and they follow the laws of physics. 

The first law of physics is an object will remain at rest or in a uniform state of motion unless that state is changed by an external force. 

The second law of physics is force is equal to the change in momentum, mass times velocity, over time. The rate of change is directly proportional to the amount of force applied. 

In other words, We get out what We put in.

The four fundamental forces are known as fundamental because they alone are responsible for all observations of forces in nature. 

The four fundamental forces are gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, and strong nuclear force.

These fundamental forces make everything in Our Universe Possible. Without them the Universe as We Know it wouldn’t exist. 

Another way Our Universe wouldn’t exist is explained quite well through an old question.

If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around to hear it fall does it make a noise?

A Universe without eyes to witness Its grandeur seems like a waste of Space Time to me. 

Life is complex patterns of matter that shows certain attributes that include responsiveness, growth, metabolism, energy transformation, and reproduction.

The basic purpose of life is to live long enough to procreate.

Evolution is DNA interacting with an environment which in turn shapes an organism. The DNA that is passed down from generation to generation gets to exist. 

Our DNA has been passed down since the beginning of life, if life ever had a beginning that is. 

Natural selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring.

Natural selection is largely subject to the whims of chance and chaos.

The evolution of modern humans from Our hominid ancestor is commonly considered as having involved four major steps.

We evolved into terrestrial animals, we became bipedal, we developed larger brains and We banded into groups, eventually creating civilization.

In the beginning We were just reacting to Our environments. We had a small locus of control, which means We didn’t have much control over Our survival.

Language made it possible to pass knowledge from one to another and join in groups to give a better chance for survival.

We started making tools to help with hunting and gathering.

We started changing our environments through group effort.

Molding Our environments to suit our needs.

Beginning around 12,000 years ago We had a turning point in the history of life as We began to control the growth and breeding of certain plants and animals. 

Farming and herding ensue, which transformed natural landscapes, first locally, then globally. 

Food production led to settlements like villages, towns, and cities. Our population began to grow more rapidly.  

About 8,000 years ago modern humans use symbols to represent words and concepts. 

External storage of information made it possible to disseminate information to others and pass down knowledge generationally to others that could understand the meaning of the symbols. 

This also made it possible to store large amounts of information externally, augmenting our limited capabilities of information storage and retrieval.

The creation of the internet was a huge leap forward in external information storage and connectivity.

The internet allows Us to be connected like neurons in a giant global brain. 

We are a part of something far greater than Our physical bodies. 

We are no longer limited to the small computing power and memory storage of Our limited brains that evolved haphazardly through the chaos of Natural Selection. 

Now great minds can converse in real time across the Globe, it quit literally boggles the mind. 

Our history as a species is the story of Us taking control of Our own trajectory. 

Now Our species is at a crossroads. 

Either this is the end of the Human story or the very beginning of it. Depending on if We become a spacefaring species.

I’m personally hoping for the latter.

A lot of variables had to be just right for life to even exist, the odds are astronomical. 

The basic purpose of life is survival, but as life became more complex due to Natural Selection another purpose emerged.

Self Aware Consciousness or sentience is what it feels like when a certain pattern of neurons are firing. 

Consciousness is the qualitative feeling of existing and Awareness is what we pay Attention to in Our Worlds. 

It’s good to be Intentional with where we decide to shine Our Attention because it directly influences Our concept of reality. 

We are literally the Universe experiencing Itself through Itself, but how is it possible to make matter into a Self Aware Being?

Consciousness, at its simplest, is awareness of internal and external existence. 

The experience of the subjective quality of self. 

“Substrate independence” is a common assumption in the philosophy of mind. 

The idea is that conscious awareness can be expressed on different physical substrates. 

In other words, brains don’t need to be carbon based in order to be considered conscious, given the right sort of computational structures and processes that are associated with conscious experiences.

Substrate Independence doesn't mean that a substrate is unnecessary, but that most details of it don't matter. 

A ripple can be created in any type of liquid provided the correct viscosity in order for ripples to be physically possible. 

Also, you can't have sound waves in a gas if there's no gas, but any gas whatsoever will work. 

This is why We can’t hear anything in the vacuum of space, there are no particles that can carry the sound waves. 

Similarly, you obviously can't have computation without matter, but any matter will do as long as it can be arranged into logic gates, connected neurons, or some other building block enabling universal computation.

We are both The Dreamer and The Dream Catcher.

The substrate independent phenomenon takes on a life of its own, independent of its substrate. 

A sound wave can travel from a transmitter to a receiver, even though none of the gas molecules do. They just bob up and down depending on the volume of the sound being transmitted.

Through the process of Natural Selection Our brains, which consist of tangible physical stuff such as flesh and blood, have given rise to self aware consciousness. 

Intelligence and consciousness are phenomenas that feel non-physical because they're substrate independent, taking on a life of their own that doesn't depend on or reflect the physical details. 

Consciousness is simply the way information feels when being processed in certain complex ways. 

What’s truly important is the structure of the information processing, not the structure of the matter doing the information processing. 

We know that when particles move around in spacetime in patterns obeying certain principles, they give rise to substrate independent phenomena like waves and computations. 

If the information processing itself obeys certain principles, it can give rise to the higher level substrate independent phenomenon that we call consciousness. 

In other words, consciousness is not dependent on the type of matter but is more dependent on the physical laws that makes the phenomenon of consciousness possible.

In the future it’s very possible that neuroscientists will scientifically know the principles of how consciousness can be created from the processing of information in a certain way.

We are so much more than electrochemical reactions happening in brains. 

Computation, intelligence, and consciousness are patterns in the spacetime arrangement of particles that take on a life of their own, and it's not the particles but the patterns that really matter.

We may even discover how We can keep the consciousness but discard or change the substrate. 

If We can do this We will truly inherit The Cosmos. 

For now, We have to make sure that Our substrates, brains and bodies, are healthy so We can experience fully the wonders that life has to offer.

We are all individual waves that make up an infinite Ocean of consciousness. 

Light behaves like a wave and a particular depending on if it is being observed or not, so We are quite literally the Light Of The Universe.

Don’t mistake the story we’ve been told for reality. 

For better or for worse Humans are tool builders and tool users. 

Tools are anything We use to augment Our capabilities.

General Artificial Intelligence will be the last tool we’ll ever need to invent. 

We still don’t understand intelligence to the point of building machines that can match all human abilities, but Artificial Intelligence researchers are continually expanding the capabilities and complexities of computer’s software and hardware. 

The common view that our intelligent machines will always be Our unconscious tools  is a fallacy.

When it comes to self aware consciousness, matter doesn't matter. Only the pattern of the matter determines sentience.

We will eventually gain complete control of Ourselves through Intentional manipulation of Our own genome, augmenting Our limited biological capabilities, and having limitless resources of matter and energy. 

In the far future We may be able to mold Our environments and genetics to Our own specifications.

Until then, We can learn to be Intentional with what We have control over now. 

How do We become intentional with where we want to go now?

We become the Authors of Our own story. 

Truthfully We own nothing in life. We are just stewards of stuff for a little while.

Nothing is permanent so becoming attached to a thing can cause suffering when We must eventually let it go.

-Intentional Minimalism is the practice of being intentional with what We allow to stay in Our lives and what We allow into Our lives. 

-Intentional Minimalism helps Us Clear away the clutter so We can see what is truly important. 

-Intentional Minimalism helps Us see that the most important things in life aren’t even things. 

-Intentional Minimalism allows Us to live a life with purpose, priority, and productivity. 

-Intentional Minimalism says We don’t have to accept the status quo and live a consumer driven lifestyle. 

It’s okay to be surrounded by doodads and widgets as long as we remember that that’s all they are.

Instead We can live a life dedicated to meaning and gratitude. 

We are in charge of creating the life We want to live!

Simplicity is the Key to living a life that is joyful and free.

Awakening happens when We realize We are much more than electrochemical reactions happening in Our brains. 

Thoughts do not control Us.

We have a choice in how We decide to act or react. 

We can instill independent intentionality. 

We can take hold of the wheel that steers the ship.

If We are passionate about Our work it isn’t Our job, it is Our calling.

Trying to find Our life’s purpose without knowing Our core values is like trying to find something in a pitch black room and not knowing what it is We’re looking for.

If We don’t know where We’re going, We might wind up someplace else.

Following directions on a map will get Us to where We want to be quicker than wandering around in the woods.

Five core values to follow while living a simple, healthy, fulfilling, and joyful life are:

-Manage Our health. 

-Cultivate Our relationships.

One or two good friends is all We really need. Any more and it would take away.

-Foster Our creativity. 

-Work on Our growth. 

-Prioritize Our contributions. 

Contribution is possible through simplicity.

Contributing is always possible.

Negative habitual thinking patterns that get in the way of Our happiness can be changed. 

A lot of energy is waisted on unhelpful thought patterns. 

-No need to be Our biggest critics.  

-No need to compare Ourselves to others.  

-No need to ruminate about the past.  

-No need to worry about the future.  

-No need to expect too much of others.  

Unhelpful thoughts should be noticed, recognized, and reevaluated.

We can notice Our thinking patterns by being present in the moment. 

Being Mindful not Mind Full. 

We can quiet Our minds and feel the ebb and flow of Our breath and be content.

We are at peace when balance is reached between dichotomies. Believe in balanced Being.

Mindful Meditation is very simple, but not easy, and it requires a lot of practice and patience. 

Mindfulness Meditation has many positive health benefits. 

Taking small meditation brakes helps a whole lot with chronic pain, memory, attention, and intention control, and remaining calm and clearheaded throughout the day. 

Meditation can help increase enjoyment and positive well being, it decreases depression, and it is a great way for Us to have a respite from Our daily frustrations and worries. 

It’s entirely okay to go at Our own pace, because pacing is the key to not becoming overwhelmed.

While being Mindful We direct Our attention to Our sensations, thoughts, and emotions. 

There’s a simple secret to being mindfully in the moment. 

When thoughts come into Our minds notice them, then bring Our attention back to Our breathing and gently let go of the thoughts. 

Melt into the moment with Mindfulness.  All that remains is Us.

We can simply breathe and experience the moment fully. 

Just being is enough. 

It is enough to be here, in an infinite universe, and now, in an eternally unfolding moment.

I’d rather be sitting Mindfully alone on the ground and have it All to myself, than be stressed out on a crowded golden throne.

Unmanaged stress is like the wind, eventually it can bring down the sturdiest of mountains. 

Remember that Life isn’t a race, it’s a dance.

Self care should be a priority for All of Us. 

It’s not the knowing that is difficult but the doing. 

The short term gratification of wants usually have long term consequences. 

True happiness comes from having healthy habits and healthy relationships.

If We aren’t helping ourselves We can’t help others.

-Daily exercise is self care.

-Drinking plenty of water is self care.

-Healthy eating is self care.

-Getting good sleep is self care.

-Managing stress is self care.

Self Care is essential for contentment, happiness, and gratitude.

Success is subjective, it changes as We change.

As a young man I thought success was owning expensive things, but now it means waking up with a smile on my face because I have a wonderful family and home. 

Success is being grateful for the simple, but very important thing in life.

It’s important to: 

-Allow Ourselves to be happier. 

-Stay in touch with Our family and friends.  

-Have the courage to express Our feelings. 

-Not work so hard.  

-Have the courage to live a life true to Ourselves, not the life that others expect of Us.

If We think someone is normal We probably don’t know them well enough yet. 

For better or for worse outliers change the world, hopefully for better. 

Comparing Ourselves to who We were yesterday is much more constructive than comparing Ourselves to who someone else is today. 

An open mind sees limitless possibilities.

The secret to accomplishing almost anything is:

-to create a goal

-to set up a budget

-to make a plan 

-to take action

When We fill up Our cups it’s time to share the contents. 

Getting caught up in the minutiae of problems is not productive.

Solving problems is a great way to offer value.

-Observe a problem

-Understand the problem

-Fix the problem

-Share with others how the problem can be solved

We can learn to speak up when We have valuable insights and to actively listen when another has something important to communicate.  

Clear and Simple Communication is Key if We want a happy Life.

Sometimes taking a new direction is needed to get unstuck.

If We want something to happen We have to get out and do something. 

We manifest by taking action. 

If We never give up We never fail.

Nothing of importance has ever been gained without effort and struggle.

We are not Our struggles We are the ones that rise above them and learn from them.

Changing Our perceptions is sometimes necessary so growth can occur.

If We get frustrated it’s important to pause for a couple of deep breaths and center ourselves before taking action. 

Negativity is contagious, but we have the power to break the cycle. 

There is always a silver lining to every dark cloud. <


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